Moving alongWe are figuring out how to move through life with you in charge. My full time school has had an absolute impact. One has only to look at...
Twice in a row, Part 1."Maybe clean out, in case I feel like having fun." There is only one response to that, for a couple of reasons. The first, and primary,...
Validation"Babe, I haven't had a migraine or that numbness on my back since we started our power exchange." These words are came across as a PM...
Sitting as equalsThe title of this post is somewhat misleading. Every time we sit down, whether it is at a table to eat, or I am at her feet and she...
She blinded me with SCIENCE!Technically, she blinded me with a filmy scarf strapped in place hard by, I think, a belt. But I can't be sure. I've been contemplating...
Negotiating our Power DynamicI wanted to write this here, because I have a particular clarity when I am writing; basically I am a mushy bowl of anxiety meat when I...
Asking, not TellingThe little ways in which my perspective changed with the way we changed our relationship are profound. Understanding how language...