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Moving along

We are figuring out how to move through life with you in charge. My full time school has had an absolute impact. One has only to look at the frequency with which I have been adding blog posts to see that. Your new job, and my busy season at work... It all adds up. But we move through it and change our expectations and commitments. You are still my focus; your happiness my joy. Yesterday, I did a huge portion of my homework in the morning, so last night we had the entire evening to ourselves. I knew we needed to shop, and I'm so glad you came with me. That was the first non-Halloween time I'd worn my kilt out and about, and as you indicated, who the hell was going to say anything to me. It is SO much more comfortable than my other options (I'm wearing it now as I type this, despite the middle kid commenting on my "dress") and after a few minutes, I just felt normal. But shopping was fun, too. Time together with you just makes me content. I love being with you, and for you. I'm looking forward to our family feast tomorrow, and plan on wearing pretty much just my kilt. I'm finishing up some homework, then heading off to work. I'm so happy with where we are, and how we've made things work despite the things life throws in our way. I have about 3 more weeks until I'm done with the semester, and look forward to making you a complete foreigner to any kind of housework then.

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