I am thankful forI am thankful for this renaissance in our relationship. I wake up every morning knowing you love me, and even more importantly, knowing I...
TomatillosLast week, the first lady and I were shopping at the produce stand, and as is usual for me, I grabbed produce that you have to work at to...
Sitting as equalsThe title of this post is somewhat misleading. Every time we sit down, whether it is at a table to eat, or I am at her feet and she...
SexWe are both closer to 50 than 40. I have, in the past, gone to the doctor because I had trouble getting and maintaining an erection....
The First TimeLast week was vacation, with all the challenges that comes with that. We did have a lovely time, but herself had to leave early due to a...
Sangria nights, Part 2"Should I put on a shirt?" "No. You may not." This was an unequivocal order. And that was before. I knew better than to ask again. We...
A new normalYou know when you buy a pair of Levis brand new, and they are stiff and fit funny, but after about a month in rotation they morph and...
Tanning my assThanks for letting me sleep in, babe. I really needed it, and was happy to get up and make your coffee and pack your lunch. I wish I...
BDSM, Impact play, and Domestic DisciplineI get hit, almost every day. It's my my wife who hits me, and it can be for any number of reasons, from me breaking the rules that we've...
The Joys of Being CollaredMy wife has ALWAYS been a little bit pinchy. Not in an abusive way; I wasn't a battered husband in the style of a Lifetime movie. Rather,...