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Who has better judgement

I have a question for you. I just spent the morning completely taking apart your dresser, sorting your clothes, and now I am recovering from breakfast (Corned beef on rye with grilled onions) and will go back and clean all your empty dresser drawers and closet. Then I will reorganize it so I no where to put it so the stuff you use most is easiest to get at, and I know where to put stuff.

Why am I leading with this? Because of your response when I told you. You got emotional. You've done it for everyone else, for decades, and made the decisions of where to put things for everyone. You made little decisions, every day, that made our lives better. Consistently, you displayed sound and thoughtful judgement. I, on the other hand, made the big decisions, and some were great, and some sucked, but they impacted the family in a serious way regardless.

I know it may seem like a big, scary change, but I think it is time for you to lead. I'll still do the bills, still make lots of money (!!!kicking ass at work!!!) but I have led this relationship for nearly three decades, and while I don't live with regrets, we would be richer, more secure, and be looking forward to a comfortable retirement if you were the one who made the major choices. So, I'm handing over the reins. You're in charge. And no, I don't want a fetish relationship where I call you ma'am and serve as your footrest, but I want you to decide what we work toward, what we do when faced with a difficult choice, how we approach ANY major decision. How about I choose which drawer your socks go in. I think I'd be good at that. I looked into "Female Led Relationships" and most of it is about BDSM or DOM/sub bullshit. You would giggle too much for that. I found something that IS pertinent, though, and while it does express things in a way that uses stereotypes that don't necessarily match you or I, it does speak to why it would be better if you were in charge. Please take a look at this list of 11 Reasons Why a Female Led Relationship is Just Awesome. I agree with it for us. Prove me wrong. Honestly look back and think, "what if I had made those decisions?"

which one would I choose?

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