This morning, I felt different. I felt completely at peace. There is SO much in life to be anxious about, but I felt completely back in sync with the First Lady. It was an incredible reversal compared to Sunday morning. I slept through the night, and she actually commanded me to sleep in this morning while she made her own coffee. (!) She said I looked so sweet out cold that she wanted me to stay that way. The reason for this is what happened last night. We slept out in the cabin, and she finally got the chance to try out the new flogger I made her. That was just a bit of fun, though. We spent a long time just communing with one another. I was on my knees, she was sitting on the couch, and our heads were together, with the chunk of lapis lazuli between our foreheads. We spent a long time just breathing and feeling one another's presence. I was not in a comfortable position, but, oddly enough, I was not uncomfortable. I could feel her love. I could feel myself being enveloped in it, feel my own love wrapping around her. When she ended our communion, she had me stand up and hold my arms above my head. She took my shorts off and then started playing with me. She would work my nipples, massage my thickening cock, then pull me down and we would kiss. This also went on for quite some time. I am so in the moment with her that I couldn't tell you how long. Each moment is appreciated for how it feels, physically and emotionally. There is no anticipation. We could have just set up the bed and gone to sleep and I would have been sated. But that's not what we did. Instead, she took the Share double dildo, put it in, and sat on the couch. She lubed it up, and just pointed at her lap. We had connected so well, were so in sync, that I just slid onto it. There was zero discomfort, only pleasure. As an aside, I remember, years ago, when we got the Share, how big it seemed, and how tentatively she would take me. Not so, now. I just rested, her inside me, for some time. I reaffirmed my love for her, my obedience to her, her ownership of me. She accepted these, and reaffirmed her love for me, and told me how I deserved love. Sex for sex's sake is fun. No doubt. But sex with an emotional connection, where the two partners are in sync, is incomparable. And that's what this was. I rode her, and her hands roamed over my body. She is always so turned on when we use the Share, but in moments like this, it is almost an electrical connection between us.
At one point I stopped, because my knees were feeling the position. I was about to say something when she just put her palms gently over both my nipples, lightly brushing them. Whatever I was going to say came out as a low moan, instead. It was as if she had reached into my brain and turned on all of my sexual pleasure receptors to eleven. I immediately started riding up and down on her. Gone was any thought of my knees, or even any discomfort. The act of bouncing on her brought my nipples up and down on her palms, and my penis slid back and forth against her cotton t-shirt. For moments, I thought, "I'm going to have an orgasm." But I pushed those thoughts aside, and just concentrated on the pleasure I did feel. I focused my attention solely on the very tips of my nipples. It was intense, like I was peeking through a hole in a fence, witnessing just the tiniest wedge of pleasure. My body was still feeling the whole gamut, but I was focused on that tiny bit. And then I felt a rumbling. The beginnings of an orgasm. Every bit of my brain wanted to jump into it, but I maintained my focus, didn't let myself get pulled away. I've done lots of hard things in my life, but that is up there with the toughest of them. Just like that, by flushing all thoughts of an orgasm out of my head, it came rushing in. That sweet release flooded in, washing away everything. It was intense, stronger than anything I can remember, and it lasted for what felt like forever. The emotional rush was incredible, and I was overcome by feelings of love and gratitude for my sweet lady. Without that emotional connection, it would not have been possible. She was ecstatic; proud beyond all measure. Look at what she had done to me? She had every right. In that moment, she owned me, and felt that ownership, completely. It was a beautiful moment of one-ness, affirming our love. After we had come down, the euphoria ebbed away, she looked at the mess I had made of her shirt and sent me back in the main house with a smack on my ass. "Get me another shirt, my sweet boy."