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My favorite time of the day

She took this picture this morning. We woke up, refreshed, sometime after 5 AM. Actually, I woke up in a panic. My wrists were free, and I didn't know how. We had tried a little bit looser configuration last night, but it was too loose, and apparently I had sweat and taken them off in my sleep. They were damp with sweat, but cool. She put them back on, and then tightened them somewhat.

Then we made love, as deep a personal sexual experience as we had ever shared. It was amazing, not only the parts where we couldn't speak, but also the parts where we talked to each other, celebrating the moments that made it up. Neither of us climaxed, but when it was over, were both deeply sexually satisfied. If you read that and don't believe me, I can't blame you, it sounds so foreign to the typical sexual norms, but it is true.

It was a wonderful, lazy, morning. We were up by seven, but the space in between when we woke up, and then got up was filled with the kind of talking and caressing one might see on a honeymoon. When we actually got out of bed, or at least when I did, for she had got up and puttered around for a bit before coming back to let me up, we were both feeling renewed and refreshed. We are getting less sleep, but it must be of the highest quality and potency, for I don't miss the old sleep, and never want to snooze.

This brings me to the best part of my day. Well one of two. Every morning, when she takes off my bonds, and helps me out of bed, I stand before her, then I kneel down and look up into her eyes, arms wrapped around her. Then I tell her what she has done that I am grateful for since the last time I did this (the night before). There's always something, and there's usually more than one something. It's a lovely time, and to watch her smile, eyes shining, as I tell her why she is important to me, and great person, would be enough for most people. But after that, I get down, prostrate if there is room, and kiss her feet.

I know, that sounds like some gauche dominatrix porn video, or some stupid kind of 50 Shades thing, but it is not. Christ washed the feet of those he held most dear. Yes, it is a stereotypical act of submission, but it is so much more. I can feel the love flowing out of her, I can hear her gasp as I sweetly kiss first her right foot, on both sides, all the way up to the ankle and down to the toes, and then her left foot. Sometimes she leaves them planted on the floor, and sometimes she raises the heel slightly, making it easier for me to get full access.

However, as great as that is, it pales in comparison to what comes next. I wrap my hands around her heels, and, on my knees with my head on the ground, I meditate. I contemplate the joys of my life with her, the sweetness of surrendering to her wise counsel, and the exquisite pleasure of our time out behind the barn each night (more on that in a later post). I am becoming a greater, more loving, and healthier man each day. And this moment, when I am alone with my thoughts, meditating using my mantra and clearing my head of any details, this is the moment when I am MOST at peace, at rest, at one with her. I can feel her energy cascading off her and splashing in little droplets all over my broad back. I can feel the strength in her resolve and her massive and indomitable desire to protect and love me. It is as if my batteries are being recharged, and I just soak in the love.

Until she ends it. I never know how long I've been there. It honestly could be 5 seconds or a few minutes. I am closing my brain to distractions, and just living in the moment. And then she reaches down with both hands and, starting just above my ass, caresses me up along the sides of my back, the indication that she wants me to get up. I do so, unburdened by the knee pain that had been plaguing me. I feel lighter, stronger, and full of energy. It is a massive gift, and proof that love is not a zero sum game. If she came down as hard as she lifts me up, I'd have to catch her in my arms to keep her from fainting away. Instead, she just smiles at me sweetly, hands always reaching, stroking and caressing, or sometimes even playfully pinching.

It is a wonder that I made it this far in life without this wonder of wonders.

Thank you, for all you do for me, but most of all for these sweet moments, stolen just before we go to bed, and when we get up. I love you, and will always be your man.

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